Thursday, April 25, 2013

Selena Gomez Says She's Given Enough of Herself to Media

Selena Gomez Says She's Given Enough of Herself to Media

Girls just wanna have fun...and that includes Selena Gomez. "I'm in my twenties. I want to have fun," she said today on Z100's Elvis Duran and the Morning Show when asked about her recent rendezvous with Justin Bieber. "I wanna enjoy my life and not have to worry about every single thing." The singer didn't want to spill specifics on her relationship with Justin, saying she likes to keep some things private. "I think I've actually given enough of myself, if that makes sense," Sel explained. "I feel within my music, and even how I handle myself in interviews, people think they know but they really actually don't." So while we don't know if Justin and Selena are back on, they are back together in music, at least. Check out this mash-up of their hits 'As Long As You Love Me' and 'Love You Like A Love Song'!

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