Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Jennifer Lawrence Naked Body Paint Costume

Jennifer Lawrence Naked Body Paint Costume

Jennifer Lawrence is all over the internet with the news of her reprising her role as Mystique in the new X-Men movie. But does anyone remember that whoever plays Mystique is actually naked with body paint comprising their costume? That’s right. At the Oscars this year Seth MacFarlane sang his boob song and one of the lyrics went, Jennifer Lawrence we haven’t seen your boobs. But he obviously didn’t catch Jennifer’s first portrayal as the blue coloured villain who has a “thing” for Wolverine. If he did, he would have realised that you can see a lot of Ms Lawrence’s “bare” body parts; not just her boobs! Way back in the first live action X-Men to hit our big screens in 2000, Rebecca Romijn played the “I’m blue” super mutant villain, right-hand wo-man to Magneto and the producers made a real big thing out of the fact that her outfit was actually body paint on her birthday suit. It seems a little less publicised now that Jennifer Lawrence is donning the paint, but the fact remains, she has been working out obviously. Because the young lady knows that she’s “buff enough” to pull off this naked painted look with out any sags or droops in sight. Of course being young helps, but in a day and age when too many young women don’t look as wonderfully fit as Lawrence it’s refreshing to see. Again, we have that confidence factor. As Mystique ,Jennifer does not just stand there and look devastatingly beautiful and threatening, she has to move around a lot! Of course she has done this before and knows what to expect so we are pretty sure that she’s been spending a little extra time in the gym during her already hectic schedule. But to divert a little from Ms Lawrence’s “lack of costume” let us look at what director Bryan Singer is up to in terms of publicising his new film. This savvy director is using social media to sate fan’s curiosity about his his next film in the comic book franchise, due in theaters July 18, 2014. He’s already showcased a few of the other mutants, for instance Halle Berry as the weather-manipulating Storm and he’s shared some teaser photos and videos of Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan on the set. But now he is zooming in on Mystique for the legion of fans who no doubt remember that under that body paint is the delectable birthday suit, albeit body painted, but still Ms Lawrence’s birthday suit for all of that. It seems like he’s aiming to drive the fans a little crazy. Jennifer may look sexy as the scaly character, but, she obviously doesn’t smell very sexy. According to her, the six-hour makeup session is referred to as “Mystink.” A little hint as to the pong this painted costume must exude.

 News source: guardianlv.com


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